Monday, December 28, 2009

Review #21: Circle Jerks - Group Sex (1980)

Year: 1980
Genre: Punk Rock
Sub-Genres: Hardcore
Label: Frontier Records
Tracks: 14
Length: 15 Minutes (Short)
Style: Angry/Rebellious/Political
My Rating: 6/8

I'm gonna admit... I'm not much of a Circle Jerks listener. I just haven't taken the time to listen to that much of their music. However, they do sound promising, and I caught myself listening to their debut LP, "Group Sex", a lot today, so I'm gonna review this apparent hardcore classic.

Keith Morris, the band's frontman, left Black Flag in 1979, to form a new band called the Circle Jerks. Their original line-up consisted of Keith Morris (vocals), Greg Hetson (guitar), Roger Rogerson (bass guitar), and Lucky Lehrer (drums). They signed to Frontier Records, and were featured on the punk film "The Decline of Western Civilization" in the same year that this album was released. Speaking of which, I think it's aboot time to review this album.

1. Deny Everything
The opening song. It's a very short song, as it's just under 25 seconds long. The theme of a song is basically the idea that the protoganist is encouraging us to deny everything until he can be proven guilty, and that he is being framed. For what? We'll never know...

2. I Just Want Some Skank
Basically about a bored kid who still lives with his parents and wants to meet a girl and get laid so he can overcome his depression and earn the respect of his mom and dad. Slow verses and a very fast chorus.

3. Beverly Hills
This is a song that attacks Beverly Hills for its superficiality and general lame-ness. The protoganist of the song apparently lives there and wants to move out of there. One of the slower songs on the album.

4. Operation
This is a song about a guy who wants to get a vasectomy because he doesn't want to be a father. It's got a pretty strong riff and a good chorus.

5. Back Against the Wall
My favorite song on the album. The verses almost sounds like ska-punk or something, but the chorus is more rock-n'-rolly. It's pretty much about how teenagers who try to fight against the system feel powerless despite their efforts. Sounds of broken glass can be heard. The song gets even faster at the end, which is sure to fire up any slam-dance pit.

6. Wasted
This is a "cover" of the song he previously sang for Black Flag on "Nervous Breakdown". However, they do this one differently, and it's faster and more aggressive.

7. Behind the Door
A song asking the questions of what sort of things lie behind the door of the elusive room 13. A pretty good song.

8. World Up My Ass
Alright, alright... if Keith has the entire world up his ass, he must have a pretty large asshole. Maybe being teased about this was what caused him to leave Black Flag and form the Circle Jerks. No? Well, it's basically about the franticness of the world, and how he feels like he's being burned, eaten, and spit out by society. This one has a kick-ass solo!

9. Paid Vacation
Holy shit, this one is still relevant! In my opinion, it perfectly describes the current wars in the middle east, only over 20 years before they actually started! Still, it's about the mid-eastern wars in the 1980s. Same problem, different time.

10. Don't Care
Here's another one that was originally a Black Flag song. Keith Morris released this song on the album as his own and forgot to credit Greg Ginn as one of its main writers, so in the same year, Black Flag got revenge (get it?) on Mr. Morris by recording their own version of the song with lyrics that slam Keith for "stealing" their song called "You Bet We've Got Something Personal Against You". If you've heard the version on "Jealous Again", it's the same music as that one, except this version is faster and the lyrics are about... well... not caring.

11. Live Fast, Die Young
A song that celebrates youth. The protoganist of the song would rather live an exciting and risky life style and die young than "live to be 34" or "die in a nuclear war". Don't blame him at all!

12. What's Your Problem?
One of the fastest songs and best songs on the album. The lyrical theme revolves around the differences between guys and girls that cause them to sometimes not respect eachother because of misunderstandings of behavior. The mid-section here just kills me (in a good way) for some reason.

13. Group Sex
The title-sake song of the album. A fast song advertising an apparent party that takes place on Friday and Saturday nights where you can eat good food, listen to music, and have group sex with other couples.

14. Red Tape
A very fast song criticizing the government for its overt taxing of the people. And... ZAT iz ze end!

I really under-estimated this album. It's a very good listen, and it's short, so it's legit. Most of the songs are pretty good. The album seems to be one of the most spot-on descriptions of some of the main sentiments of the American punk scene during the 1980s, which was mainly backlash against Reaganomics, suburban boredom and angst, and feelings of a hopeless future for their generation. "Group Sex" should appeal to fans of the Germs, Minor Threat, and the Dead Kennedys. Take some time to check this aut!


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